Saturday, August 27, 2011


OK. So we have a fresh idea to discuss, get excited about and pull in some talent for...
So as you can probably tell from this blog, Buzzz is a start up children's bedroom product company.
In the past, we have had great success in stationery and other kids products for other companies. Now we are doing it for ourselves, creating great kids bedroom products with a very unique, designer edge.
A new opportunity has come to us recently that needs to be put 'out there' in the hope of attracting the right talent and the greatest of people.
What we are wanting to do is create a children's television show for ABC TV.
The concept for it is a storyline centred around our Buzzz Bee as the main character who travels around talking to other animals/creatures/characters.
All of these characters appear on our merchandise (which is currently being prototyped in China).
The Bee has the ability to fly up in to space and below water (as he has a helmet/mask type device) and talk to all the creatures in these lands too.
We have an opportunity to pitch this idea as a book series to ABC books (Harper Collins) in the coming weeks.
For this project, we have a well known, highly published Author (through Harper Collins) who will be pitching the concept along with his annual list.
Once this is picked up, we expect a good turn around and subsequent national distribution of the books but most importantly, our characters and story lines.
This author will then assist with developing the books in to scripts.
What we want is to find very talented 3D digital artists to assist with a pitch animation.
We need a producer that has been involved with ABC in the past as well to qualify for funding with them (seemingly)... so if you know anyone, please send this through.
But right now we need some generous people/person to help us make this happen. We need to blow them away with amazing ideas and visuals but we need to do this first bit on the very cheap.
We understand that the entire project could cost a lot of money, and when funding is there for that, we will of course pay... but right now we cannot afford to spend too much on this first animation.
What we offer in return will be the chance to secure the tender for the entire first series of 26 episodes. If it goes further, of course that will also go to your company too... so essentially, working on the pitch will become a tender application... however, only those with exceptional skills/talent/showreels will be considered for the pitch... so pitch us on a pitch!!!
Please contact us at any time to discuss this project further.
The right person will also be able to negotiate equity rights in the entire project.
Picture it this way... we have merchandise already being sampled and on its way in to major retailers, we will more than likely have a great book series through ABC bookstores... all we will need is a fantastic looking television product and we could well be on the way to the next big thing in kids products (which we all know can be very lucrative).
Please tell all your friends, form a company between you, If you are an existing company, please send us your ideas/showreel and proposal and allow us to know what you can assist with by way of a producer.
God Speed and hear from you soon.
Please check this link so you know what we are aiming for...


  1. Hello, I'm an animator– my reel can be viewed at:

    If you wish to contact me, my email address is


    Rachel Jones.

  2. Hello, I've been doing 3d character animation for a while. Check out my site at or email me at

  3. Hi, I'm keen on getting involved, especially with a kids program. Perhaps this could be a work experience opportunity?
    My strength is in 2D digital and traditional animation, illustration and 3D Modelling. Feel free to browse my site at


  4. Ooops! I almost forgot, my contact-
